Art hof0.gif (33421 bytes) Looking for ...

I'm a teacher of history in V LO in Grudziądz (Poland). We have
performed tasks in Stefan Batory's Foundation Competition for a few
years, tasks from KARTA Centre "History close to you" as well. Our work is assembling, analyzing and presenting source materials which can be used as bases for writing essays for competitions.

One of our works recounts the tragedy of the Jewish women from
Lithuania who were transported to Stutthof. They were put to work digging fortifications on the Drweca river line in 1944/45.
One of these women was Sonia Schogam-Etkin (Scherill
Schogam-Etkin), who has survived the war, returned to Kovno
(Kaunas-Lithuania) and in 1956 emigrated to Israel. One of her sons -
Mauscha Schogam (Mosze Szogam) also survived. . He was an Auschwitz prisoner, who emigrated to Israel earlier than his mother.
We lose the trace of the Schogam family in Israel. Probably this
name appears somewhere in the USA.
We are looking for anybody who knows something about:

- MAUSCHA SCHOGAM (Mosze Szogam)
Mosze was born in Kaunas on September 29, 1929. He was a son of Tanchum Schogam and Sonia Schogam-Etkin. A prisoner of Dachau and Auschwitz, he escaped during bombardment and evacuation of this camp. His brother Jacob is known to have been wounded but all traces of him have been lost. Mauscha Schogam worked in Israel in the "Maariw" editorial office.

- SONIA (Scherill) SCHOGAM-ETKIN, was born in Kaunas (Lithuania) in 1900'. She was a physician of stomatology and a prisoner in Stutthof (nr 43457). After the war she returned to Kaunas, and on 15th May 1956 she arrived in Israel. Sonia told Yad Vashem about her life in 1961 and gave an address: Tel-Aviv, Raw Kuk 29 st.
We would like to know about the life of Sonia and Mosze after the
war. We are cooperating with the Stutthof and Auschwitz museums and with the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw.
We would be very appreciated for any help.

Thank you in advance
Please contact:

Hanna Januchowska-Dąbrowska

